Thank you for participating the Rooted Festival!

Can you please send us all information about your workshop, activity or contribution via this form. If you can, please fill in your information in English as this will be the official language of the festival. Thank you.
  • Your name
  • Your e-mail
  • Company name or organization
  • Website (if available)
  • What title can we give to your workshop, activity or contribution?
  • Can you describe what your session / workshop / part of the program is about?
  • How may we describe you or your organization?
  • What can we prepare for you? For example, what do you need for technology, materials or setups?
  • Which photos of you and/or the activity can we use? You can upload multiple photos.
  • Sleep bestanden hierheen of
    Toegestane bestandstypen: pdf, png, jpg, jpeg, heic, Max. bestandsgrootte: 512 MB, Max. aantal bestanden: 6.
    • Please upload royalty-free images. We do not have the option on our website to mention sources or give credits to a photographer.
    • Is there anything else you would like to ask or let us know?